Revisiting comforting blanket

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Increasingly life-black sky. Increasingly thrilling roar of civilization. Disaster almost here. And some have been hit. Flash floods have washed away westernized civilization dignity Muslim teenagers. The explosion of thought has meluluhlantahkan building a fragile unity. Hurricane hedonism menghempas Islamic values of Muslim teens. Whether a teen is still worthy was fast asleep in their self-indulgence?Even now visible flaming devil (genitals) were scattered everywhere. Poisonous poets have to shift the position sholawatan first verses of Al Quran. Echoes the doctrine of freedom under the guise of love blaring into the corners of the archipelago. That therefore the souls of teenagers increasingly whiny, fragile, and rotten.It is time, O youth. Reveal yourself a warm comforting blanket, melenakan and melelapkan. Uninstall kedunguanmu sutras. Look for news about the war has begun. Revive your soul and siramilah baked with confidence intact. Decorate your days with noble character. Hurry wielding the weapon of faith is still a little light. And immediately join the ranks of the firm. That line of people who love God and God loves them. With the welcome call:"O ye who believe, fear Allah and seek the path closer to Him, and strive in His way, that ye may prosper. (Al Maa-Idah, 5)

Balls that lights

Diposting oleh Sabila di 20.55 0 komentar

 Turn nyalimu. So that the latent greatness in themselves immediately revealed. With which the world in your eyes like a speck of coal. Easily extinguished. But still making something dangerous, when one of his upbringing.Throughout human history proves. There was a body which holds a piety of self indulgence is maintained. Because for people who get the glory of the life of his Lord, this world is like hell. Exhausting and painful. A testimony and life's journey one of the noble Companions of the Prophet which, Sa'ad Bin Abi waqqash said, "When the Muslims boycotted and ostracized in syi'ib Mecca, nearly three years for which we ate with the Messenger is the leaves that resemble our dirt (dirt ) sheep. "This becomes a whip trigger determination spirit burner. To say, "This is my way!" And street people who have been promised heaven by God is a winding road, full of thorns, barriers, obstacles and suffering. "Alif Lam Mim. Do men think that they are allowed (only) say: "We believe", they will not be tested? And verily We have tested those before them, Allah knows those who really and truly He knows the people who lie. "(Al Ankabut, 1-3)Then, whether the people who live wallowing in pleasure escape from exams? No! Instead they are more severe test. Prophet said, "I'm more afraid of you face the slander of pleasure in defamation misery." This is very reasonable. Because a slave felt himself being tested when he received reinforcements and disaster. And feel alive awarded when he feels pleasure.So, if there is among teens who prefer comforting in life. Essentially he chose a more severe test and burdensome. He seemed to find a flat, without thorns, and without hindrance. But, in fact he was walking on top of a stem on top of deep ravines. And comforting themselves a sign that he prefers the contempt and accidents.

Between gold, timber and soil

Diposting oleh Sabila di 20.54 0 komentar

Friends, we are eligible holds a spoiled teenager. Though these eyes had witnessed a phenomenon of life. About the withered leaves, dried, and then falling on the ground. About the night's growing dark early morning. About the morning dew that disappears. About clouds that march. About the bodies that enter the grave. Have not we been watching?Spoiled! A word as reasonable ground saucer, gold in the mud, or wood is porous. Though drenched lands to be forged in such a way, then baked in a tall fireplace. Incarnates something more valuable. That therefore we can take shelter from the blazing sun and cold rain. Something worthless, will be increasingly valuable as he has forged with fatigue, suffering, and through struggle.Similarly, timber. When he was only allowed to lay rigid docked with moist soil. Making it more porous then destroyed. Since moldy hunger gnawed by termites. And cold break. In fact we saw, the wood is exposed hammer blow of the hammer-hard. Chisel-sharp chisel shavings. And iron nails puncture the Menghujam. He is increasingly valuable. More valuable, even very valuable. This reminds us of the struggle of the youth activist propaganda. He passed a full path obstacles that hit, which Menghujam pitnah and ridicule too harsh criticisms that menghiris. However, their patience and sincerity in the fight, making it increasingly valuable. More valuable. And very valuable."O ye who believe, whoever among you is an apostate from his religion, then soon Allah will bring a people whom God loves them and they love Him, who being gentle toward people who believers, are being hard on people the unbelievers, who strive in Allah's way, and who is not afraid to censure people who like to denounce. That is the gift of God, given unto whom He wills, and Allah Area (giving him), the Knower. "(Al Maaidah, 11)Then we look at the shining gold within the storefront-window nodes. The price soared. The shape is more beautiful. And where more appropriate. And when he was still buried in the ground is dirty. Squeezed in between rocks that hard. He is absolutely worthless. But after the rough hands mengeruknya. Until he comes out of hiding peaceful. Nampaklah what price. Kian far he stepped in a process, also increased its price. This is reminiscent of a class of teenagers who crossed the globe. By traveling the universe with his body, with his mind even with his dream. He is increasingly valuable. Exit the comfort zone. And let's face the risk of life with lots of travel (stay in touch) and crossed the universe (although only through books). "Where prayer has been fulfilled, then bertebaranlah you in the land and seek God's bounty and remember Allah much-much that ye may prosper. (Al-Jumu'ah, 10)

Every Seconds Between Tears And Laughter

Diposting oleh Sabila di 20.52 0 komentar

Friend! Tell me if you still remembered with high-level message from a holy man following:Any person who today is better than yesterday so he was lucky.Any person who today is the same yesterday and he lostAnyone who is worse today than yesterday so he woeAnd you also must remember the message of a wise way:Small time is like cultivating the soil to become loose and fertile.When adolescents are sowing seeds and planting timeWhen young people are now caring for and maintainingWhen parents are now reaping and harvest festivalTime after death is to enjoy the results between love and suffering.Friends, of course you understand correctly the meaning and significance.Small time is now right for a father and mother to our forge. Guide and educate us. When teenagers is a good time for us to make preparations in pious charity. Empowering the brilliance of the brain to earn a science as much as possible. Empowering a strong body to practice and perform worship. Try and keep trying. Thus, tremendous potential in adolescents can be empowered. When a young person's success is a milestone. For those who in his youth not only neglected by world affairs, he blessed the old time. Because the time span of the young is to keep the charity (istikomah) and increase self keshalihan. So the parents feel the pleasure of worship. The fruits of hard work at the time adolescents, and young time breaking success in running obedience indulgence. Terbina small time, when teenagers incredible (the power to empower themselves), when young do not fall asleep (fast running obedience), the old time love (refine his worship), he could feel the darkness of the grave? Could it be restless when he met his girlfriend? Could he suffered in syurgaNya?"Verily We sent down to thee the Book (Qur'an) to (bring) the truth. So worship Allah by purifying `atan fear Him." (Az Zumar, 2)
Friends, tomorrow or after tomorrow. There is no guarantee for us to taste it. This year, month, week, today, even this minute, is the right time for us to reflect ourselves. Pious deeds as much as what will be bekalan came to meet us when you return?

Do not Spoiled

Diposting oleh Sabila di 20.50 0 komentar

Teenagers are also servantsFriend, who is he who taught us comforting. Though a mother sweaty tired when we contain, hold the added burden of heavy bolder, even risk his life when giving birth. Is the sacrifice of a mother there are signs that teach comforting to us?"And we commanded to man (do good) to two of their parents; his mother had conceived him in a state of weakness that increase steadily, and weaning in two years. Give thanks to Me and the two mothers father, only to return unto me "(Luqman, 14)Friend, who also teaches us that indulgence. Though a father trestle bones all day, sweat resist fatigue. Holding heat in the daytime. Against the cold when it rains flushed the body. There are even some who bet insult by forgetting his duty as a servant. They are busy working, so pray not tertunaikan. In fact, not a few of those who cheat to gain wealth. It was lucky for a teenager who has a father who firmly carry out the mandate as a servant. Whose life straight in His ways. So that every marching step and blowing her breath is a sign of obedience to Him. Then, whether the struggle of a father making a living there are signs that teaches indulgence to his sons and daughters?"Men who are not neglected by commercial and not (also) by the sale and purchase of the remembrance of Allah, and (from) establish worship, and (of) paying the zakat. They are afraid of a day (on that day) the liver and vision becomes unstable. (An Nuur, 37).Or whether nature teach us a comforting? Though the verdant foliage in the treetops more exposure prevented the storm. He was solid not falling. While the older leaves begin to dry up in the valley of trees falling, although only a breezy wind. Then, Pantaskah young leaves at the top of the tree, especially in the valley only because of falling trees hit by a gentle breeze? Though most of the flowers that bloom will emerge from the tops of the young petiole. Who survived the wind blows. Firm to defend themselves. And do not be discouraged to continue to be the best. Are there signs of indulgence for a teenager it appears in nature?Or Set aside a bit of time to notice the papers are formulated by the scholars. It was so bitter (piercing), sometimes bland (boring). Language is heavy, hard, sharp Menghujam, they really seem to avoid serving a full joke or making it up. Because they do not want a spoiled generation, especially mushy mushy. He presents a weighty treatise with a high hujjah. That therefore the minutes of the fruit of the work to penetrate the recesses of the souls of evil. Life is hard. Are there signs that express the phenomenal works of those who teach us comforting?Now, dare you, O youth to say: "I'm a teenager! Which is like the time is the time the chief. Symbol of the emergence of all goodness. The identity of youth. Milestone victory. Coat of life. Evidence of motion and dynamism. Theorem truth and justice. And a sign of strength. "So, is it still worth chewing treatises you whiny, empty and weightless. Which presents the dough lust and a mere joke. Thereby increasing your soul is weak, even cowardly coward. What makes your heart until the rust-stained, stone and even death. And with the strength of your youth, you can choose. Determine. Against. Even the attack.Why choose something low and worthless, if something more precious still high and you can achieve. You are not stupid hijackers buffalo field, but a servant of the free. Let no word tagging for silly things, crazy especially trivial. In fact you the power to do something great and extraordinary. Because teenagers, is the culmination of all power. Brilliance in thinking. Toughness remains. Top of the spirit. The highest courage and milestones. That all that can be used as a booster in reaching kesusesan and glory. Is there any teenagers who dare to try?


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